Two brothers from a very large family wanted to study art at the academy at Nuremburg. But they knew their father would never be able to send them to study. This was in the fifteenth century and money was not easy to come by. So they decided to flip a coin and the winner would study while the other would work in the mines to support the winner of the toss. The two brothers were Albrecht and Albert Durer.
Albrecht won the toss. He would study for four years and then he would finance his brothers study by selling his artwork , or if necessary, he would also work in the mines. Albrecht was very talented and his work was better than even his professors. Albert worked tirelessly to ensure his brother would be able to complete his studies. The work in the mines was hard and dangerous. By the time Albrecht graduated he was earning a decent living with his artwork.

Tears flowed down his cheeks as Albrecht quickly drew a portrait of his brother’s hands in prayer. More than 400 years has passed and Albrecht Durer has paintings, etchings, charcoals, etc. in most of the famous museums of the world. But his most famous portrait remains ‘The Praying Hands’. Praying hands tattoos are still one of the most requested tattoos of all time.
Many couples get praying hands tattoos as a symbol of undying love. You couldn’t find a better tattoo to represent your love. Thousands of husbands have the tattoo to demonstrate their willingness to sacrifice everything to love and protect their wife.

The next time you want a tattoo, remember the praying hands tattoos when beauty and true meaning are important. If you don’t want to change the beauty of the praying hands tattoos, try putting your names under or above the hands, or one name above and one under the hands, for added meaning to a loved one.
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